nodeJS - checkJwt error: name = JsonWebTokenError message = jwt must be provided token = undefined 服务器问题 jun_2020 2022 年10 月 13 日 07:31 1 新搭建的服务器,连接ONLYOFFICE在线编辑时报 请问如何修改配置呢?jun_2020 2022 年10 月 13 日 07:49 2 已解,谢谢。conson...
Also tried to use JWT env-e JWT_SECRET=0YuaC829SRbiW43XdRNdsame problem Works if i disable jwt from env-e JWT_ENABLED=false, but jtw token is still being created in the configuration file, is that correct? same issue —ONLYOFFICE/Docker-DocumentServer#514 ...
$ci->load->config('jwt_auth/jwt_auth'); $request = strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'api'); $parts = explode('/', $request);if(empty($parts[0])) {// show_404();// if (! $ci->ion_auth->logged_in() )// redirect('login', 'refresh');// return;}else{// HOOK FOR LOG...
Enter: registerToken() with argument[s] = [SocialUserVM{locale='en-US', nickname='nick1', idToken='{{user_token}}'}] Then I understood that the input values{{user_token}}was not filled from the Postman request Hope it helps JHipster has completed thesample check .yo-rc.json: vali...
I need the controller to check if the uploaded file is a valid image (not just extention or contenttype) I need it to validate that it is an image.The problem that solutions that I found such as this:Copy try { using (var bitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(myFile.InputStream)) ...
Control is an ambigious reference between System.Web.UI.Control and System.Windows.Forms.Control error ControlToValidate property cannot be blank Conversion from string "" to type 'Date' is not valid. - need to exit out of some code on reset btn Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' ...
Valid Values: JWT_PS384 Required: Yes Entitlements License entitlements. Partial checkouts are not supported. Type: Array of EntitlementData objects Required: Yes LicenseArn Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license. The license must use the borrow consumption configuration. Type: String Length...
基于spring aop结合jwt实现的轻量级权限验证。在controller的方法上使用@RequiresPermissions,@RequiresRoles,@TokenCheck 注解实现用户权限验证。 使用说明 在需要权限验证的spring项目中引入依赖 使用注解 实现RoleAndPermissionCallback 接口 加载用户的实际权限和角色 ...
主要内容:Spring Boot 2的基础应用、CORS配置、Actuator监控;Spring Boot集成springfox-swagger,利用Swagger生成JSON API文档,利用Swagger UI、Postman进行Rest API测试;Angular 6新特性,Angular与Spring Boot、Spring Security、JWT集成的方法;Spring Boot、Angular集成Sonar、Jenkins等。 本文主要参考了Rich Freedman先生的博客...
(self):49 """50 Make sure creating JWT_BEARER application fails, if no subject provided51 """52 from .ide_test_compat import Application, fake_app_name, fake_client_id, fake_client_secret53 app_name = fake_app_name()54 token_uri = faker.url()55 service_host = faker.url()56 ...