I have been trying find a way to check if all the elements of my cell array are equal to certain value. I need help on how someone can perform this task. 1 Comment Philipp on 6 Dec 2024 at 13:29 If the value does not matter you can use unique and test if ...
isequal(size(A), size(B)) || (isvector(A) && isvector(B) && numel(A) == numel(B))
dos_cmd = sprintf( dos_fmt, num2str(val) );% num2str takes strings mlb_cmd = sprintf('dos( ''%s'' );', dos_cmd ); dos_buf = evalc( mlb_cmd ); wherevalis equal to 'matlab' (or it's ProcessID) Compare the current CPU Time and Elapsed Time with the previous ones. ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 In a unit test, I have many lines such as: 테마복사 verifyEqual(testCase,1.5,x); Next I would like to have an 'if' statement to execute one of two code blocks depending on whether that verification was successful or failed. Does verifyEqual store...
If filename is a nonscalar string array or a cell array of character vectors, MATLAB® displays information for each file. Note You cannot combine cell arrays and character arrays of file names. For example, you cannot have {'lengthofline', 'buggy'}, 'collatz' as an input. Example:...
(Block,'OutDataTypeStr'); if isequal(OutDataType,'Inherit: Inherit via internal rule') % 判断OutDataTypeStr是否是Inherit,是则加入ErrorBlockCell ErrorBlockCell{end+1} = Block; end end % 检查结果显示 if isempty(ErrorBlockCell) % ErrorBlockCell 为空则说明全部通过检查 setSubResultStatus(ft,...
Check if locations are free or occupied collapse all in page Syntax iOccval = checkOccupancy(map,xy) iOccval = checkOccupancy(map,xy,'local') iOccval = checkOccupancy(map,ij,'grid') [iOccval,validPts] = checkOccupancy(___)
EEGLAB is an open source signal processing environment for electrophysiological signals running on Matlab and developed at the SCCN/UCSD - eeglab/functions/adminfunc/eeg_checkset.m at fa70dc22f102cc29b061195382604da7336a07ff · sccn/eeglab
It returns zero if both the strings are equal. This is a case sensitive function.<?php $string = "Mr. Peter"; if(strncmp($string, "Mr.", 3) === 0){ echo "The string starts with the desired substring."; }else echo "The string does not start with the desired substring."; ?>...
It returnsTrueif the variable is equal to$nullandFalseif the variable is not equal to$null. $str-eq$null Output: False We can use any of the methods above and easily determine whether a string variable is not null or empty in PowerShell....