Check if file created today and not 0 KB Check if HyperThreading is enabled Check if IIS running on a remote server check if object is $null Check if OS is 32bit or 64bit check If Process Is Running in another computer Check if SMB1 is enabled on the AD servers Check if string con...
SMB client:sc.exe query mrxsmb10 SMB server: reg query HKEY_Local_machine\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters\ /v SMB1 If it is disable, it shows: Best Regards, Mary Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscri...
Now if you have the DWORDs named asSMB1orSMB2, check their Value Data. If it is set to0,it isdisabled. And in any other case, it is enabled. Methods to check what version of SMB is installed on Clients We will be using the following methods to check what version of SMB is instal...
Get-SmbServerConfiguration | select EnableSMB1Protocol,EnableSMB2Protocol This command returned that the SMB1 protocol is disabled (EnableSMB1Protocol = True), and the SMB2 and SMB3 protocols are enabled (EnableSMB1Protocol = False). Note that the SMBv3 and SMBv2 protocols are closely related...
@{Name = 'isAdmin'; Expression = {if ($SkipAdminCheck) {Write-Output "-"} else {if ($AdminUsers -match $_.UserPrincipalName) {Write-Output $true} else {Write-Output $false}}}, ` @{Name = 'MFAEnabled'; Expression={if ($_.StrongAuthenticationMethods) {Wr...
While most organizations upgrade their Active Directory through Domain Controller OS upgrades, AD by design is meant to be as backwards compatible as possible, and therefore leaves many legacy protocols and configuration settings enabled. Many Domains originated long ago, and have been upgraded through...
Hay A few month ago i found an official document of Microsoft that provide scripts and commands that generate alerts on the defender portal MDI like enumerate actions. Can someone pls send me the... Hieladfe, This might not be exactly what you’re looking for but ...
if "private" in profiles: if host.FwProfilePrivate is True: result_status = False result.messages.append(f"Firewall is enabled for profile 'private'!") result.compliant = result_status return resultdef verify_smbv1_disabled(host: Host) -> ComplianceResult: ...
If you want to stop using Document Check, you can turn off the Show the Document Check FactBox toggle on the My notifications page.备注 The Journal Check FactBox is always enabled for journals. You can hide the FactBox by personalizing the page.备注 You must ha...
In order to check if gzip compression is enabled for your website, you can run the following command to check your headers: curl -IL Copy Or you can use an external tool like this website for example: If this is not t...