Check if a process is running check if a process or service is hanging/not responding? Check if a text file is blank in powershell check if computer exist in ou Check if drive exists, If not map Check if Email address exists in Office 365 and if exists, Create a Unique Email address ...
ifprocessExists('notepad.exe')then ShowMessage('processisrunning') else ShowMessage('process not running'); end;
ifprocessExists('notepad.exe')then ShowMessage('processisrunning') else ShowMessage('process not running'); end;
powershell check if process is running 文心快码BaiduComate 要检查一个进程是否在PowerShell中运行,你可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 确定要检查的进程名称: 首先,你需要知道你想要检查的进程的确切名称。例如,如果你想要检查notepad.exe进程是否在运行,你需要使用这个名称。 使用PowerShell的 Get-Process 命令: Get-...
is-wsl Check if the process is running insideWindows Subsystem for Linux(Bash on Windows) Can be useful if you need to work around unimplemented or buggy features in WSL. Supports both WSL 1 and WSL 2. Install npm install is-wsl
Re: How to check if process is running by path You would call GetProcessesByName to filter by file name, then test the MainModule.FileName property to confirm the file path. Something like this: Code: For Each proc In Process.GetProcessesByName(fileName).Where(Function(p) p.Main...
Hi, I'm not sure how I would use Process.GetProcessesByName() to check if a process is running, and if it isn't start it, using VB.NET? I know how to start a process using Process.Start().Help?Thanks AaronAll replies (3)
If the program is running from the Visual Basic IDE, the EXEName property returns the project name. When a program is running from an executable, the EXEName property contains the EXE file name. Method 2: EXE file name and the project name are the same If the project name and the...
How can I check if the Windows Server running ColdFusion is using IIS or Apache? I think we are running IIS since : IIS installed Checked Task Manager and cannot see apache or httpd entries. Looked under cfroot\config\wsconfig\1 and the README file contains : This file was crea...
Check if a process is running Install npm install process-exists Usage import{processExists,processExistsMultiple,filterExistingProcesses}from'process-exists';console.log(awaitprocessExists(;//=> trueconstexists=awaitprocessExistsMultiple([,'foo']);console.log(exists.get(process...