importnumpyasnpx=1# x can be one of [1, [1], 's']shape=[1]*136# 0-135 is safe# np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(x, shape=shape)classDummyArray:"""Dummy object that just exists to hang __array_interface__ dictionariesand possibly keep alive a reference to a base array."""def...
Parameters --- kwargs : arguments for comparison of values passed to :func:`numpy.isclose` components : bool, optional passed to :meth:`check_aggregate_region` if `True`, use all sub-categories of each `variable` included in `World` but not in any of the subregions; if `False`, only...
Use the EXISTS/NOT EXISTS Operator With the IF() Function to Check if a Row Exists in MySQL Table This article highlights the different ways to check if a row exists in the MySQL table. We will use the EXISTS and NOT EXISTS operators. We can also use these two operators with the IF...
if args.subparser_name == 'predict': #check if folder is empty and force remove it if necessary if not args.resume: fileManager.check_empty_dir(args.output_directory, args.force) else: fileManager.check_if_dir_exists(args.output_directory) #check custom translation tables allowable_ttables...
The 'first' element is found in the array Check if Key Exists in PHP Array Using theisset()Function PHP provides functionisset(), which determines if a variable is set; this means if a variable is declared and assigned value other than null.isset()will return false when a variable has ...
Parameter.checkArray(X) scores = numpy.zeros(X.shape[0]) root = self.tree.getVertex((0,0)) root.setTestInds(numpy.arange(X.shape[0]))#We go down the tree making predictions at each stagefordinrange(self.maxDepth+1):forkinrange(2**d):ifself.tree.vertexExists((d, k)): ...
assert(op);/* If op is already of type PyComplex_Type, return its value */if(PyComplex_Check(op)) {return((PyComplexObject *)op)->cval; }/* If not, use op's __complex__ method, if it exists *//* return -1 on failure */cv.real =-1.; ...
import paddle import paddle.fluid as fluid import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys import time from multiprocessing import cpu_count def train_mapper(sample): img,label=sample if not os.path.exists(img): print(img,'不存在') img=paddle.dataset.image.load_image(img) img...
def check_input(self, X): """Check the input to the refine() method. Args: X: the input to the refine() method Raises: TypeError: if X has wrong type ValueError: if X has wrong shape, etc. """ if not isinstance(X, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("X must be a numpy array") ...
Use the std::map::count Function to Check if Key Exists in a C++ Map Use the std::map::contains Function to Check if Key Exists in a C++ Map Use the std::map::at Function With Exception Handling to Check if Key Exists in a C++ Map Use a for Loop to Check if Key Exists ...