The functioncurl_initallows us to initialize a cURL session. If it does not exist, then we can presume that the cURL module has not been loaded. if(function_exists('curl_init') === false){ //curl_init is not defined //cURL not enabled } In the code above, we used thePHP function...
#1 How do I tell if I have "curl over ssl" installed? What specific "switch" or line of text do I look for in the result page from running phpinfo.php on my server? #2 "Curl over ssl" is NOT the same thing as "curl with ssl" is it? I am seeming to recall someone telling ...
If opening remote URLs is not enabled, then you will need to enable this option in the main php.ini configuration or see if your hosting provider will do this for you. Otherwise you will need to use CURL to download files, assuming that CURL is available. Check Out These Related posts: ...
$params =array(); $params[] ="{$mod_strings['LBL_MODULE_TITLE']}";if(empty($focus->id)) { $params[] = $GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_CREATE_BUTTON_LABEL']; publicfunctiontestcheckCurl(){ $scheduler =newScheduler();//execute the method and test if it works and does not throws a...
● If Email is enabled, emails will be sent to specific members of current project. ---EndWeCom You can enable the WeCom notices on the CodeArts Check to automatically send the result of the check task to WeCom groups. Step 1 Add a WeCom robot to a WeCom group. (The WeCom mobile cli...
Performs a cURL-Request to check, if a website exists / is online Technique #1 <?phpif(isDomainAvailible('')){echo"Up and running!";}else{echo"Woops, nothing found there.";}//returns true, if domain is availible, false if notfunctionisDomainAvailible($domain)...
官方文档: 设置网址 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $ur...
PHP Secure Configuration Checker. Contribute to chris-Dog/pcc development by creating an account on GitHub.
c# Check registry if program is installed if yes get install location ? C# Check to make sure first character in a string is a letter C# check username if already exists from database C# Class - USB Port Enabled/Disabled Status Detection C# class for JSON is resulting a Null Reference Exce...
if (!$isEnabled) { // 启用规则 $this->enableSecurityGroupRule($securityGroupId, $account['AccessKeyId'], $account['AccessKeySecret'], $account['regionId']); $log['安全组状态'] = "已恢复 访问规则"; $notificationResult = $this->sendNotification($log); ...