Text: the cell or text string you want to check if contains a specific text (the argument substring) Return value: This formula returns a logical value. If the cell contains the substring, the formula returns TRUE, or it returns FALSE. ...
Text: the cell reference or text string you want to check if contains number. Return value: This formula returns logical value, FALSE: the cell does not contain number; TRUE:the cell contains number. How this formula work For instance, you want to check if the cell B3 contains number, ...
Read More: How to Use IF Statement with Yes or No in Excel Method 2 – Check If Cell Contains One of Multiple Values Using TEXTJOIN, IF & COUNTIF Functions Together Steps: Select C5 and enter the following formula. =TEXTJOIN(",",TRUE,IF(COUNTIF(B5,"*"&$E$5:$E$7&"*"),$E$5:...
Check if part of a cell matches specific text To do this task, use theIF,FIND, andISNUMBERfunctions. Note:The FIND function is case-sensitive. The formula in the above screenshot uses the following arguments. Formula to check for text ...
COUNTIF(range, criteria) Argument: range –The operation will be applied to this cell range. This range contains multiple objects like numbers, arrays, etc. Empty and text values will not be considered for this function. Criteria – This condition will be in the formula. It will check from...
Check if part of a cell matches specific text To do this task, use theIF,FIND, andISNUMBERfunctions. Note:The FIND function is case-sensitive. The formula in the above screenshot uses the following arguments. Formula to check for text ...
How to construct the If match formula in Excel to see if two or more cells are equal and return logical values, custom text or a value from another cell.
Combining these functions together gives us our original formula: =ISNUMBER(FIND(9,B3)) Check if Cell Contains Specific Number in Google Sheets These functions work the same in Google Sheets as in Excel. AI Formula Generator Try for Free
For a cell that looks blank, but in fact is not, an ISBLANK formula returns FALSE. This behavior occurs if a cell contains any of the following: Formula that returns an empty string like IF(A1<>"", A1, ""). Zero-length string imported from an external database or resulted from a ...
FREE EXCEL TIPS EBOOK - Click here to get your copy Sometimes, in my work, I have to check if a cell or a range of cells contains the partial text I’m looking for. For example, suppose I want to check whether a cell contains the text string “ABC” or not. The cell may have ...