If the command output shows the given package binary or executable file location, the package has already been installed on the system. If not, the package is not installed on the system. locate --basename '\nano'
Most software or application in Ubuntu, does not come as one package and it depends on other packages to work as intended. These supporting packages are called dependency packages as they are required for the proper working of the software. Usually, the package manager in your system automaticall...
Read:Must-do Things After Installing Ubuntu 18.04 Once the package has been installed, you will see both 500 and 100 which correspond to the version that is located in the archives and to the locally installed version respectively. apt-show-versions If the package is installed, the command apt...
To verify if a package is available in Debian or Ubuntu repositories, you can useapt searchcommand like below: $ apt search libpam-cracklib This command searches for packages in the available repositories that match the provided search term, in this case, 'libpam-cracklib.' ...
if you installed checkov with pip3 pip3 install -U checkov or with Homebrew brew upgrade checkov Configure an input folder or file checkov --directory /user/path/to/iac/code Or a specific file or files checkov --file /user/tf/example.tf Or checkov -f /user/cloudformation/example1.ym...
Ubuntu Linux 18.04+ Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7+ macOS 11 Big Sur NOTE: You may need to build from source using an older Go release if your version of macOS is not supported by the current "oldstable" version of Go "stable" release builds for this project are usually generated from the...
This tool can recursively check dependencies of .deb package, and list all found package dependencies.To install apt-rdepends on Ubuntu or Debian:$ sudo apt-get install apt-rdepends To show package dependency information of a particular package (e.g., tcpdump), run the command with package ...
if [[ $(cat /etc/os-release | grep "ID_LIKE=debian") ]]; then echo -e "\e[92m [✔] Debian-like operating system\e[39m" else echo -e "$error" exit 1 fi else echo -e "$error" exit 1 fi } set_userlang() { # Set the user language.echo...
Check Ubuntu Version Using neofetch Theneofetchutility is a Bashscriptand a more modern version ofscreenfetch. To installneofetch, run the following: sudo apt install neofetchCopy Run the command: neofetchCopy The OS section displays the Ubuntu version. ...
Not sure if Java is installed on your system? Most fresh installations of Ubuntu (and other Ubuntu-based distros) do not have Java installed by default, so if you've never installed it before, you probably don't have it. But to be sure, open Terminal and run this command: java -versi...