这可以通过确定 SSLContext 对象是否具有 check_hostname 属性来检测。有一个缺点,这依赖于将主机名作为 SSLContext().wrap_socket(server_name=)的一部分传递。最初这仅在 OpenSSL 启用了 SNI 时才有效。但是即使未启用 SNI,Python 3.4.3 和 2.7.9 也会接受 server_name。 所以就会导致anacond 或python3 报...
使用pip命令时报错“ValueError: check_hostname requires server_hostname“、“requests.exceptions.SSLError: HTTP“,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
General Properties -> hostname 填入主机名Basic settings -> Permissions 权限默认即可,多用户的话要授权 -> Alias 别名,同icinga配置 -> IP address 被监控的IP地址Host tags -> Agent type 选择Check_Mk Agent (server),试过Snmpd有部分不出不出图 -> Criticality 和 Networking Segment 默认即可...
anaconda ValueError: check_hostname requires server_hostname“ when trying to update conda cmd运行任何conda的创建环境或者conda update命令都在报错,试着关掉了代理,问题解决。
Under computer name, domain, and workgroup settings, you will see your Windows 7 hostname. Along with that, you will also get to know whether your system is 32 or 64-bit. The second method is a command-line using inbuilt CMD of Windows 7 ...
Hostnames (fragile) this is highly dependent on your DNS configuration, particularly any configured search list (aka, DNS Suffix Search List in Windows terminology) entries used to qualify short/hostname valuesSupport is present (though limited) for filtering "OK" status hosts and certs to eith...
On checkmk (monitoring host) summary of the affected service tells “63.77 of 69.45 GB” so it’s a warning because 91.83% is used. On client site (windows host), the agent of the affected machine tells the correct value, when I execute C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service>.\check...
raiseValueError("check_hostname requires server_hostname")ValueError:check_hostname requires server_hostname 报错的原因: 这个其实跟选用的python版本的关系不大,主要原因是因为每次使用 pip install 命令下载插件的时候,下载的都是最新的版本,比如下载requests插件,它会自动的将依赖的urllib3这个插件也安装,然后依赖...
:certificateissued for a different hostname, issuer is not trusted解决办法在本地Windows电脑打开cmd命令行,输入svnlshttps:// //这里是项目的svn地址他会提示你输入信息,这时输入p,回车。这个命令是让忽略证书,然后按提示走就行。如果提示要输入账号密码,那么...
| Nodes | IP Address | HostName | +---+---+---+ | 1 | | SpringpathControllerOHCWUK9X3N | +---+---+---+ | 2 | | SpringpathController37MHMEIBCY | +---+---+---+ | 3 | | SpringpathControllerDWRWWIB...