Linux and Windows Databases MySQL, Redis, SQL Server, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and Oracle Applications Tomcat, FTP, rsync, Subversion (SVN), ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, OpenVPN, JBoss 6, JBoss 7, Jenkins, OpenLDAP, VNC Server, and pptpd You must fix the baseline risks at the earliest opportunity. Thi...
The script will analyse debian source code and upload the results to a cppcheck server. We need these results both to improve Cppcheck and to detect regressions. You can stop the script whenever you like with Ctrl C. Compiling Cppcheck requires a C++ compiler with (partial) C++11 support....
4、net.tcp.service.perf[service,<ip>,<port>] 说明:检查服务的性能,返回为0代表服务不可用,否则的话返回值是对应服务所花的时间,以秒为单位 参数:<service>可选值有tcp、ssh、http、ftp、smtp、https等,<port>为具体端口,不指定端口的话采用所指定服务的标准端口,如http代表80;如指定的是tcp,则必须再指定...
If you are implementing new features, installing a new PHP-based app, or trying to locate a bug on yourwebsite, it is important to know which PHP version yourweb serveris running. In this tutorial, you will learn how to check your PHP version on a local machine, server, or WordPress ...
FtpServerIp= FtpUser=ftpuser FtpUserPassword=wwwwww ###打印日志函数 log_info(){ DATE_N=`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` USER_N=`whoami` echo "${DATE_N} ${USER_N} execute $0 [INFO] $@" } log_error(){ DATE_N=`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` ...
WebAppsGetFtpAllowed200Response WebAppsGetFtpAlloweddefaultResponse WebAppsGetFtpAllowedParameters WebAppsGetFtpAllowedSlot WebAppsGetFtpAllowedSlot200Response WebAppsGetFtpAllowedSlotdefaultResponse WebAppsGetFtpAllowedSlotParameters WebAppsGetFunction WebAppsGetFunction200Response WebAppsGetFunction404Respon...
Provides access to resources shared between discovered devices through HTTP, HTTPS, FTP or even shared folders. Runs as a portable edition. Download Advanced IP Scanner Advanced IP Scanner can be downloaded for free byclicking here. Advanced IP Scanner tutorial ...
Linux Network Monitor Dell Server Monitoring HP Server Monitoring Event Log Monitoring Exchange Monitoring File/ Folder Monitoring FTP Monitoring Windows Service Monitoring Service Monitoring Process Monitoring Network Visualization Network Fault Management Data Center Management Storage Management Reports Mu...
Install pcre from github since the site is no longer avai… 3年前 runformat runformat: improve instructions [ci skip] (#5833) 1年前 fixed/excluded some shellcheck warnings and actually fail the build wh…
The remote.ftp-banner check will attempt to connect to a FTP server and verify that it re- sponds to the connection. Attributes Field Metrics Metric String duration The time it took to finish executing the check in milliseconds. Uint32 tt_body The time to the body measured in milliseconds....