The 5 FSMO Roles are critically important as they go hand in hand with the security of yourActive Directory. The domain controllers, therefore, need to be online at the time the services are needed. Thankfully, depending on the FSMO role, this may not be all that often. For schema master...
Failed to ping or bind to the Infrastructure Master FSMO role holder" Failed to push down GPO policy to specific OU. Failed to set machine SPN Failed to set the object. A required privilege is not held by the client. (Delegation of SPNS) failed to transfer the operations master role Fail...
Failed to ping or bind to the Infrastructure Master FSMO role holder" Failed to push down GPO policy to specific OU. Failed to set machine SPN Failed to set the object. A required privilege is not held by the client. (Delegation of SPNS) failed to transfer the operations master role Fail...
5.79 GetFSMORoleOwner 5.80 GetInstanceNameFromSPN 5.81 GetObjectNC 5.82 GetProxyEpoch 5.83 GetProxyType 5.84 GetServiceClassFromSPN 5.85 GetServiceNameFromSPN 5.86 groupType Bit Flags 5.87 GUID 5.88 GuidFromString 5.89 GuidToString 5.90 handle_t 5.91 instanceType Bit Flags 5.92 Is2PartSPN 5.93 Is3Pa...
Failed to ping or bind to the Infrastructure Master FSMO role holder" Failed to push down GPO policy to specific OU. Failed to set machine SPN Failed to set the object. A required privilege is not held by the client. (Delegation of SPNS) failed to transfer the operations master role Fail...
Failed to ping or bind to the Infrastructure Master FSMO role holder" Failed to push down GPO policy to specific OU. Failed to set machine SPN Failed to set the object. A required privilege is not held by the client. (Delegation of SPNS) failed to transfer the operations master role Fail...