从第一个参数中指定的 INI 文件的 [通知] 部分中读取 LowDiskSpaceThreshold 设置。 语法 bool CheckFreeDiskSpace (StrParam) 参数两个以逗号分隔的参数: 包含LowDiskSpaceThreshold 设置的 .ini 文件的路径。 要检查的驱动器的字母驱动器。 字母驱动器必须伴随冒号,例如, C:。 返回结果False (如果在错误级别...
Windows 10 periodically checks for updates so you don’t have to. When a Windows 10 update is available—and sufficient free disk space is available on your device—it will be automatically installed. So that Windows 10 continues to stay updated, it’s important to ensure your device has ...
t have to. When an update is available—and sufficient free disk space is available on your device—it will be automatically installed. So that Windows 10 continues to stay updated, it’s important to ensure your device has sufficient free space. See additional applicable details in the ...
Simple & Free Windows 10 Disk Check AlternativeTo run the disk check through Windows Command Prompt, and you must be very familiar with the various CHKDSK parameters and know each parameter's function as well. Are you interested in a simple yet free CHKDSK alternative that will never bother ...
Make sure that there's sufficient free space on the hard disk. The exact requirement varies, but we recommend 10-15 percent free disk space. Contact the respective hardware or software vendor to update the drivers and applications in the following scenarios: ...
Make sure that there's sufficient free space on the hard disk. The exact requirement varies, but we recommend 10-15 percent free disk space. Contact the respective hardware or software vendor to update the drivers and applications in the following scenarios: ...
Windows 10, version 20H2 Make sure that the BIOS and firmware are up-to-date. Run any relevant hardware and memory tests. Run Microsoft Safety Scanner or any other virus detection program that includes checks of the MBR for infections. Make sure that there's sufficient free s...
Windows 10, version 20H2 Make sure that the BIOS and firmware are up-to-date. Run any relevant hardware and memory tests. Run Microsoft Safety Scanner or any other virus detection program that includes checks of the MBR for infections. Make sure that there's sufficient free ...
How to free up disk space on your Mac Next, I’ll use the Storage Settings window to free up much-needed hard drive space. Below the bar chart, you’ll see a table of file types and the volume of space they occupy. Clicking the encircled i for “information” next to each will ...
// Check primary disk File diskPartition =newFile("/"); long freeSpace = diskPartition.getFreeSpace(); double freeSpaceGB = freeSpace /(1024.0*1024.0*1024.0); System.out.println("Free disk space (GB): "+ freeSpaceGB); // Check total and usable space ...