Each of the 291 men and women, all over the age of 40, selected to participate in the new study were already scheduled to have cardiac catheterization to check for blocked arteries. Every participant had a 64-CT scan prior to catheterization and was then monitored through regular check-ups,...
Choose corn or corn/whole-wheat blend tortillas. Have quinoa, bulgur, or wild rice as a side dish for variety. Use the leftover grains in salads. Add wheat bran or uncooked oats to yogurt for a little crunch. Add 3/4 cup of uncooked oats to each pound of ground meat when making mea...
Terry, who was featured in the breakthrough filmForks Over Knives, expertly explained how vascular disease (clogged and damaged arteries and veins) anywhere in the body indicates vascular disease everywhere in the body. If you have heart disease, erectile dysfunction, or certain types of dementia ...
Total cholesterolshould remain under 200 mg/dL, while cholesterol between 200 and 239 is considered borderline and cholesterol above that is classified as high. Though cholesterol is naturally produced by the human body to keep it healthy, having too much can lead to clogged arteries. "Some famil...
assessment could reveal vital health problems.HEART DISEASE THERE is a strong link between peripheral arterial disease, which affects blood supply to the hands, legs and feet, and heart disease.In arterial disease, the arteries stiffen and become clogged with fatty deposits and blood pressure can ...