Head to the Jervis Bay region of the South Coast, located in New South Wales about 2.5 hours from Canberra, for countless beautiful beaches. One of these is Pretty Beach. With glassy water and lush greenery, its name is well-deserved. You may even spot friendly kangaroos sharing the sand....
作为 1929 年伊比利亚美洲博览会的一项雄心勃勃的委员会,当地建筑师 Aníbal González 花了 15 年时间完成了西班牙广场。新月形运河上的四座桥梁中的每一座都代表着西班牙的古老王国:卡斯蒂利亚、莱昂、纳瓦拉和阿拉贡。在拍照之间,回顾一下你的西班牙历史;每个壁龛的瓷砖壁画讲述了西班牙各省的故事。在安静的午睡期间参观...
Or if you want to risk the off-season you can get a bargain and have the paths to yourself in December and January. Though some restaurants and accommodation closes down in winter, and you risk boats being suspended and hiking trails closed in bad weather. WHERE SHOULD I STAY IN THE CINQ...