function hasClass(element, className) { return (' ' + element.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + className+ ' ') > -1; } Otherwise you will also gettrueif the class you are looking for is part of another class name. DEMO jQuery uses a similar (if not the same) method. Applied t...
How to check if an element has specific css class using jQuery?Previous Post Next Post To determine if a given css class name has been used for an element, hasClass() method can be used. This is DIV1 with CLASS1 This is DIV2 with CLASS2 This is DIV3 with CLASS3Check for class...
How to Get the ID of the Element that Fired an Event in jQuery How to Remove All CSS Classes Using jQuery/JavaScript How to Remove an Element from an Array in JavaScript How to Check if Element is Visible after Scrolling How to Add a Class to a Given Element ...
In the world of web development, it's often necessary to determine whether an HTML element is visible after scrolling. This can be crucial for a variety of rea...
Hi @nyctri76, it’s just a small logical issue: you’re checking if firstmenucontents (with plural “s”) has that class, which is the collection of all your tab modules; hasClass() then checks for the first element in that collection, which returns true for all tab modules. You nee...
getElementById('checkId'); inputs.checked = false; } window.onload = function() { window.addEventListener('load', check, false); } Try it Yourself » jQuery jQuery provides the attr( ) and prop() methods to accomplish the task. The choice depends on the jQuery versions. L...
('.test') $('.test input').iCheck({ handle: 'checkbox' }); // handle .vote class elements (will search inside the element, if it's not an input) $('.vote').iCheck(); // you can also change options after inputs are customized $('input.some').iCheck({ // different ...
Optimized event bindings - iCheck binds only a few global events for the all inputs (doesn't increase on elements addition), instead of a couple for the each customized element Doesn't store tons of arbitrary data (event in jQuery or Zepto cache), defines customized elements by specific cla...
One way I can think of implementing it would be to walk up the DOM tree with parentNode/parentElement and check if the element has a style.display property of 'hidden'. The problem is elements that have visibility set to visible are visible, even if their parents have visibility set to ...
value or text in it or if it is empty, we generally make use of the jQueryval() method. This will check whether the selected element has any values in it or not. Hence, we can manage all our further tasks and actions based on its result, which means that the element is empty or ...