Whether or not you have a heating/cooling system or just a furnace, the technician who does the inspection will check the ductwork for leaks and possible problems that could cause leaks in the future and will patch any leaks found as well as identify any metal ducts in which condensation has...
Cleaning or replacing filters, checking ductwork for blockages, and ensuring all vents are clear and unobstructed. Assessing the system’s safety features, including carbon monoxide detectors and emergency shut-offs. Why is a Heating Check-Up Important? Heating check-ups are vital for several reason...
Internal corrosion and rust can reduce the inside diameter of these pipes over time, resulting in reduced flow and eventually, leaks. The inspector performed a "functional flow test" during the inspection where multiple fixtures were run simultaneously, and found the flow to be adequate. For ...
The plumbers have been in the last couple of weeks working on the plumbing and they’ll also be working on the hot water heat and ductwork for the Air Conditioning. I haven’t made their job terribly easy with the several levels of flooring they have to cut through and work around to ...