Coastr's car rental platform comes with an easy to use driver and vehicle licence checking service with the DVLA. Make your rental operations faster and safer with our instant DVLA lookup feature.
because of driving offences; and the employer will not without apparent reason check his driving licence after hiring him. [...] 機時無法從駕駛執照上印載的資料知悉應徵者有否因違反交通規例 在兩年內被記滿15分或以上而遭取消駕駛資格;加上司機入職後,除 在特別情況下,僱主不會無緣...
(o) Clause 34 amends regulation 12I of Cap. 374B, so that the Commissioner shallcancelaPDL to drive a class of motor vehicle if the licence holder has been convicted of certain traffic offences committed by him during the probationary driving period while driving a class of motor[...] ...
Note that some hire car companies will not allow you to rent a vehicle if you have more than a certain number of points on your licence, or specific endorsements for more serious offences such as dangerous driving. Driving licence rules Your driving licence - evidence you have passed your dri...
from drivingforhavingincurred 15 points or more within two years because of driving offences; and the employer willnotwithoutapparent reasoncheckhisdriving licence after hiring him. 劉健儀議員: 主席,有運輸業界人士指出,運輸業車主在聘請司 機時無法從駕駛執照上印載的資料知悉...