Check disk size with lsblk command in Linux The best way to check disk size in Linux is using lsblk command. Open the terminal and type lsblk. Then press enter. This will print a list of all the disk devices on your system, as well as their size, type and mount point. This command ...
The examples I've demonstrated so far have the same columns in the output. If you want different output, you can customize the fields. For instance, suppose you don't want to see the size or amount of disk used: $df-h--output=source,avail,pcent,target Filesystem Avail Use% Mounted ...
To liberate disk space in Linux, begin by pinpointing the files or directories consuming the most storage. The du command can help you evaluate the space usage of particular directories. Once you have identified the directories or files that use a lot of disk space, you can delete, move, or...
On the internet, you will find plenty of tools forchecking disk space usagein Linux. However, Linux has a strong built-in utility called ‘df‘. The ‘df‘ command stands for “disk filesystem“, it is used to get a full summary of available and used disk space usage of the file sys...
1. Find File Size in Linux Using the du Command 2. Find File Size in Linux Using the ls Command 3. Find File Size in Linux Using the stat Command 4. Find File Size in Linux Using the wc Command Conclusion Hemanta Sundaray Whether you need to manage disk space, transfer files over th...
The size of a folder or directory in Linux can be found using the du command. du here stands for disk usage. I’ll explain the logic behind the 4.0K size for the directories later in this tutorial. For the moment, let’s focus on getting the directory size. If you want to check th...
NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 50G 0 disk ├─sda1 8:1 0 1G 0 part /boot └─sda2 8:2 0 49G 0 part / It’s a straightforward way to identify the partitions on your disk, their sizes, and where they’re mounted. Personally, I find this command great fo...
In this tutorial, I will list commonly used command-line utilities to check disk partitions on Linux. Linux Commands to Check Disk Partitions Linux is an open-source operating system that provides various command-line tools to check disk partitions. Many utilities come pre-installed on Linux, whi...
To show information about disk devices in human-readable format (kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, and so on), use thedf commandwith the -h option: $df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on dev 7.8G 0 7.8G 0% /dev run 7.9G 1.8M 7.9G 1% /run ...
The df command is a powerful Linux command-line utility that allows you to check the disk usage and available space on file systems. When you run the command, it prints information about file systems that are currently in use, including their total size, used space, free space, and mount ...