2 CHECK_TYPE=SHELL; echo "INFO=${CHECK_TYPE} PID=$$ PPID=$PPID TTY=$(tty) SHELL=$0 HOME=$HOME PWD=$PWD| CHECK_SHELL_END" 3 export name="tom" 4 echo name 5 echo tom 6 echo "name" 7 echo $name 8 echo "this is a test">test.txt 9 echo $test.txt 10 echo 'pwd' 11 ech...
手机网络正常,但是调用connection.hasDefaultNet()接口失败 如何使用http请求从网络上获取数据 按照Axios三方库的下载安装步骤安装Axios,报错404如何解决 在ArkTS中,HTTP请求头中header参数中的key是否区分大小写 httpRequest.request 请求https接口ssl证书验证失败 如何实现下载断点续传 能否通过httpResponse的result...
bash反弹shell 文件检查 ...隐藏文件 系统文件修改时间检测 临时文件检查(/tmp /var/tmp /dev/shm) alias suid特殊权限检查 进程存在文件未找到 近七天文件改动 mtime 近七天文件改动 ctime 大文件>200mb 敏感文件审计(nmap/sqlmap/ew/frp/nps等黑客常用工具) ...
If issues are found, Windows will offer to scan and repair the drive. 5. Using PowerShell to Check SMART Status PowerShell offers a more powerful way to check SMART status: Open PowerShell as administrator. Run the following command: Get-WmiObject -namespace root\wmi -class MSStorageDriver_...
Travis CI has now integrated ShellCheck by default, so you don't need to manually install it.If you still want to do so in order to upgrade at your leisure or ensure you're using the latest release, follow the steps below to install a binary version....
Shell规则集入口 步骤1 访问服务首页。 步骤2 在代码检查页面,单击“规则集”页签,进入检查规则集列表页面。 根据您的需求新增、修改、复制、删除、查看、设置或导出规则集,具体说明请参见 表2-6。 表2-6 规则集操作说明 操作项 说明 新增规则集 在“规则集”页签,单击“新建”即可自定义规则集,请参见新增...
This command is one of few that's not installed onLinux distributionsby default. Install this app from the standard repositories on your distribution, such assudo apt-get install inxi -yfor Ubuntu/Debian-based distributions. Install epel-release first if you're using a Fedora-based distribution...
shell script error[: ==:需要一元表达式 #!/usr/bin/env bashif[[ $(command-v nvm) == nvm ]];thenecho"❌ nvm not exist, trying to re-install it ... ⏳"elseecho"nvm had been installed ✅"fi #!/usr/bin/env bashtemp=$(command-v nvm)echo$temp# if [[ $temp -eq nvm ]]...
WithDefaultAuthenticationProvider WebAppAuthentication.UpdateStages.WithExternalRedirectUrls WebAppAuthentication.UpdateStages.WithTokenStore WebAppBase WebAppBase.Definition WebAppBase.DefinitionStages WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithAppSettings WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithAuthentication WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.With...
1.2 域完整性约束域完整性约束的作用:限制此单元格的数据正确,不对其它单元格起作用,域代表当前单元格域完整性约束:数据类型、非空约束(not null)、默认值约束(default)check约束(mysql不支持)check(sex='男'or sex='女')1.2.1 数据类型数值类型类型大小范围(有符号)范围(无符号)用途TINYINT1 字节(-128,127...