Proudly announce our all new CPS (Chernarus Positioning System) for DayZ Epoch. Installation is easy. Just enter your Information into the "config.php" file for Database Connection and Upload all your stuff to an FTP Server with PHP 5+ running. Bug Reports are welcome! We are working...
1. Create a new local administrator user on your PC (e.g. 'NEW-ADMIN') 2. Install the latest Logi Options on your 'NEW-ADMIN' user account 3. Check Logi Options works (it should do) 4. Copy the 'C:\Users\NEW-ADMIN\AppData\Roaming\Logishrd' folder to the same location on the ... Burpsuite Intruder Payloads by Oct 22, 2018 chore: add --depth=1 when cloning wordlists repos Nov 2, 2018 Repository files navigation READMEIntruderPayloads A collection of Burpsuite Intruder payloads, BurpBounty payloads, fuzz lists and pentesting...
Infrastructure and Application Admin Interfaces - Access to Admin interfaces CM‐007 Testing for HTTP Methods and XST - HTTP Methods enabled, XST permitted, HTTP Verb CM‐008 Credentials transport over an encrypted channel - Credentials transport over an encrypted channel AT-001 ...
Feb 21, 2017 Burpsuite Intruder Payloads by Oct 22, 2018 chore: add --depth=1 when cloning wordlists repos Nov 2, 2018 Repository files navigation READMEIntruderPayloads A collection of Burpsuite Intruder payloads, BurpBounty payloads, fuzz list...
Infrastructure and Application Admin Interfaces - Access to Admin interfaces CM‐007 Testing for HTTP Methods and XST - HTTP Methods enabled, XST permitted, HTTP Verb CM‐008 Credentials transport over an encrypted channel - Credentials transport over an encrypted channel AT-001 ...
Infrastructure and Application Admin Interfaces - Access to Admin interfaces CM‐007 Testing for HTTP Methods and XST - HTTP Methods enabled, XST permitted, HTTP Verb CM‐008 Credentials transport over an encrypted channel - Credentials transport over an encrypted channel AT-001 Testing for user enum...
Burpsuite Intruder Payloads by Oct 22, 2018 FuzzLists Burpsuite Intruder Payloads by Oct 22, 2018 Plugins IntruderPayloads by 1N3@CrowdShield Feb 21, 2017 Uploads IntruderPayloads by 1N3@CrowdShield Feb 21, 2017 BurpsuiteIntruderPayloads.png...
Infrastructure and Application Admin Interfaces - Access to Admin interfaces CM‐007 Testing for HTTP Methods and XST - HTTP Methods enabled, XST permitted, HTTP Verb CM‐008 Credentials transport over an encrypted channel - Credentials transport over an encrypted channel AT-001 ...
Author: - LICENSE: This software is free to distribute, modify and use with the condition that credit is provided to the creator (1N3@CrowdShield) and is not for commercial use. DONATIONS: Donations are welcome. This will help fascilitate...