现在还没找到check约束开启的东西,但找到了解决办法: mysql>delimiter//mysql>CREATETRIGGERtrig_sd_check BEFOREINSERTONCustomer->FOREACH ROW->BEGIN->IFNEW.SD<0THEN->SETNEW.SD=0;->ENDIF;->END->//mysql>delimiter ; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2115497/check-constraint-in-mysql-is-not-workin...
Bug #60399CHECK constraint not working Submitted:8 Mar 2011 21:11Modified:8 Mar 2011 21:41 Reporter:Arthur YeoEmail Updates: Status:Not a BugImpact on me: None Category:MySQL Server: DDLSeverity:S2 (Serious) Version:5.5.8OS:Windows (Windows 7 - 64bit) ...
OS:Fedora 16 RDBMS:MySQL Workspace:GNOME Terminal Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed.
https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/alter-table.html mysql> alter table test_check add constraint chk_id check(id < 100);Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)Records: 1 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 mysql> show create table test_check;+---+---...
1、CONSTRAINT 约束种类 为了确保数据的完整性和唯⼀性,关系型数 据库通过约束机制来实现目。(关于索引和约束的联系可以简单理解为创建约束不一定创建索引,但是创建索引如唯一、非空等索引会同时创建相应的的约束) UNIQUE 唯一性约束 值不可重复; NOT NULL 非空约束 值不可为空; DEFAULT 默认值约束 当增加数据...
The CHECK constraint is used to limit the value range that can be placed in a column.If you define a CHECK constraint on a column it will allow only certain values for this column.If you define a CHECK constraint on a table it can limit the values in certain columns based on values ...
[CONSTRAINT[symbol]]CHECK (expr)[[NOT]ENFORCED] 其中symbol用来命名约束条件的唯一名字,如果没有指定的话,Mysql也会自动生成约束名,但要注意,在同一个库下面,约束名字不能重复,必须具有唯一性 expr是一个表达式,结果为bool类型 enforced是默认选定的,你也可以手动选定,表示必须满足约束条件才允许写入, 但如果选择...
Check constraint Bug #3465Check constraint Submitted:14 Apr 2004 1:07Modified:23 Jan 2019 16:26 Reporter:Mickael BessonEmail Updates: Status:ClosedImpact on me: None Category:MySQL Server: Command-line ClientsSeverity:S1 (Critical) Version:5.0.0OS:Windows (Windows NT4)...
MySQL版本:确保使用的是MySQL 8.0及以上版本。 约束条件:确保CHECK约束的条件正确(amount >= 0)。 数据类型:确保amount字段的数据类型是DECIMAL(10, 2)。 通过以上步骤,可以确保CHECK约束正常工作,维护数据的完整性。 参考链接 MySQL CHECK Constraint 相关搜索: mysql check表 mysql创建check mysql check所有表 mysql...
Getting an error with following sql query with mysql v8 which was working with v5.7. Create table test ( empId char(36) not null, tolerance decimal(5,2) not null check (pct > 0 and pct <= 100), primary key (empId) ); ERROR 3813 (HY000): Column check constraint 'test_chk_1' re...