Checking the oil in a Journey is fairly easy and should be done once a month. Note that most Dodge have an oil pressure gauge next to the speedometer - this gauge does not tell you what your oil level is, but rather uses an oil sensor to indicate the oil pressure in the engine. If...
Another problem is the lack of dodge cancelling. So you can't cancel an Arte when they're already being used. "ooops, you're using a special move, but the enemy is going to attack? touch luck bucko" That might've been fine before, but now bosses do not stagger when hit. Norma...
but we'll see the numbers rolling up soon enough. I'll also most likely be hiding and unhiding some games depending on what I rescue from the backlog and what I sent deep into the will-never-play-this-again-in-my-life
Those promo codes will be worth $10 off a single ride to the polling station on 6 November (no return journey), provided a user has the most recent version of the Uber app, uses a new feature on the app which helps voters locate their polling station, and chooses the "most affordable...