The “git checkout” command is a versatile Git command that permits users for switching between different branches, commits, or even individual files in the specified repository. To do so, check out the given examples discussed below: Example 1: Checkout Branch in Git. Example 2: Checkout C...
方式一(IDEA通过git命令) 1.打开idea后,在最下方找到Terminal,点击; 或者直接Alt+F12也可以进入 2.在出来的命令行界面输入:git branch 该命令查看本地有哪些分支:我这边之后master和V3_xieyue20201013 3.输入git branch -a 该命令查看远程的所有分支:再次输入q退出远程分支查看; 4.切换develop远程分支,输入:git ...
: git-branch-check [options] [command] Options: -V, --version output the version number -h, --helpdisplayhelpforcommandCommands: include <branches> 允许在限制的分支中执行,多个分支以","符号分割 exclude <branches> 允许在排除的分支中执行,多个分支以","符号分割help[command] displayhelpforcommand...
You could omit <branch>, in which case the command degenerates to "check out the current branch", which is a glorified no-op with rather expensive side-effects to show only the tracking information, if it exists, for the current branch. git checkout -b|-B <new-branch> [<start-point...
图7 git checkout <commit>执行结果 需要注意的是,处于detached HEAD状态的代码,在你切换到任何分支后,都会丢失得不到保存,所以,如果你想要在该commit上进行修改并提交,请务必在修改前执行git checkout -b <new-branch-name>,这样,你可以得到一个同该commit代码一模一样的新分支,并进行任何能够得到记录的操作。
在Git中,命令git checkout -b -newbranch用于创建并立即切换到一个新分支。这里的b代表分支(branch)。如果没有指定start_point,则默认从HEAD指向的提交创建新分支。这意味着在执行此操作后,您将直接进入新分支的工作状态。相比之下,git branch -newbranch命令仅用于创建一个新的分支,但不会切换到...
但远程还没有,只有切换到新分支push后,远程就有了git branch [branch-name]git checkout-b [branch]#新建一个分支,并切换到该分支git branch -d [branch-name]#删除分支 已合并的分支 *不能删除当前所在的分支git branch -D dev#强行删除分支 分支未合并git push origin --delete [branch-name]#删除远程...
Command:git checkout --track origin/remoteBranchName $ git branch-a*master remotes/origin/HEAD->origin/master remotes/origin/improveGroovyCodeAgain remotes/origin/master $ git checkout--track origin/improveGroovyCodeAgainSwitchedto anewbranch'improveGroovyCodeAgain'Branch'improveGroovyCodeAgain'setup to...
在Git中,要切换到主分支的特定版本,可以使用git checkout命令。下面是关于如何切换到主分支版本的几个步骤: 1. 确定主分支名称:首先,你需要确定你的主分支名称。通常情况下,主分支的名称为”master”,但在一些情况下,可能存在其他命名,比如”main”。 2. 查看所有分支:使用git branch命令查看所有可用的分支。这将...
To check out a remote Git branch, firstly, we will clone the remote repository and run the “$ git fetch” command to fetch all updated remote data, including remote branches. Next, view the list of remote branches and run the “$ git checkout <remote-branch>” command to check out a...