CHECK YOUR BLOOD PRESSUREA photograph of former basketball player Norm Nixon getting his blood pressure checked is presented, along with information on the First Annual National Barbershop Initiative.Jet
- Blood pressure- Blood sugar levels- Brush teeth- Calories- Document- Fever- Heart rate- Intake protocol medical- Invoice- Mental health- Migraine- Note- Oxygen saturation- Pain scale- Picture- Smoking- Toilet visit- Water- WeightPUT YOUR HEALTH NOTES...
geographical region, Townsend deprivation score, ethnicity (White/non-White), post-secondary education (yes/no), body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, current smoking (yes/no), systolic blood pressure, Charlson Comorbidity Index, alcohol intake frequency, physical activity, and fresh vegetable intake...
The device is intended to be used for measuring, displaying, reviewing and storing of multiple physiological parameters including ECG, pulse oxygen saturation (SpO2), pulse rate, temperature and blood pressure variation in home or healthcare facilities e