check forbidden packages based on licenses...1 forbidden packages : Unidecode (0.4.21) : GPL ['GNU General Public License v2 or later (GPLv2+)'] dependency: Unidecode << python-slugify << yoyo-migrations check authorized packages based on licenses...24 packages. check authorized packages......
We generally use‘yum update’command to update the system packages to their latest versions available, but this command can also be used to gather additional information such as a list of packages to be updated, to be installed, package download size, and the repository information. Using ‘yu...
As you can see, we have awk installed (as part of gawk) and the python-Hawkey package. Show Available Packages From A Specific Repo You can also filter for the available package in a specific repository. We can start by listing all enabled repositories with the command: sudoyumrepolist Thi...
Diff: dhatim/python-license-check@refs/tags/0.9.1...0.9.2 Changelog: Description of changes Things done Built on platform(s) x86_64-linux aarch64-linux x86_64-darwin aarch64-darwin
Python packages and their dependencies, including: Transitive dependencies (ie., dependencies of dependencies) Linked C and Fortran libraries, so you can build data science packages Operating system-level dependencies for Windows, Linux, and macOS ...
安装HAP时提示“code:9568344 error: install parse profile prop check error” 问题现象 在启动调试或运行应用/服务时,安装HAP出现错误……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
root@SpringpathControllerABCDE01234:/tmp/Hyperflex-Hypercheck# python Step 5. Enter the SCVM root password when prompted. Enter this information of HX-Cluster: Enter the HX-Cluster Root Password: Enter the ESX Root Password:
The following error occurs during ayum updateon a new installation of Red Hat Storage 2.1: Raw Transaction Check Error: file /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gluster/__init__.pyc from install of glusterfs-api- conflicts with file from package gluster-swift-plugi...
Besides building yourself on the platform of your choice there are also several ways to obtain pre-built packages. Official packages maintained by the Cppcheck team: (Windows) An official Windows installer is available via the official Cppcheck SourceForge page: ...
async support is available by prepending a to any method. import asyncio from pprint import pprint from klarna_checkout_python_sdk import KlarnaCheckout, ApiException klarnacheckout = KlarnaCheckout( ) async def main(): try: # Abort an order abort_order_response = await klarnacheckout.order....