Set the ohmmeter to measure resistance in the 20 K ohm range; "K" stands for kilo, which means thousand. If you have a multimeter, turn its dial to the 20 K ohm scale, and insert its red lead in the common jack and its black lead in the jack marked with the ohm symbol. Test th...
Switch off the motor, and then disconnect one of the wires powering the motor. Attach your ammeter or digital multimeter set to measure DC current; attach it between the motor and the detached wire. Always wire ammeters in series with a circuit, placing them between the power source and the...
Try your phone to see if the battery is holding its charge properly after recharging. If the voltage reading is high but the battery is still not working well, you may need to check its amperage. Step 7 Set the multimeter to read amperes and connect the positive and negative contacts as ...
record the wattage (amperage) so you can see when the motor (compressor) is running or defrost element etc. transmits and record data to graph for months at a time if need. connect to any location with wi-fi so you can veiw data any where with web access in the world. can h...
With a true hold, you can put the multimeter on the floor (or hang it nearby), press the hold button, then take a probe in each hand and make the measurement without looking at the meter display, you stop taking the measurement when the meter beeps, you take your hands...
Try your phone to see if the battery is holding its charge properly after recharging. If the voltage reading is high but the battery is still not working well, you may need to check its amperage. Step 7 Set the multimeter to read amperes and connect the positive and negative contacts as ...