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But when I touch her I feel like I'm cheating on you Baby now ooh cheating on you Baby now ooh But when I touch her I feel like I'm cheating on you Thought I could get you back any time of day Shouldn't have been so cocky Shouldn't have did you wrong Whoa And ...
Charlie Puth《Cheating on You》MV在线看!Charlie Puth 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
酷狗音乐为您提供由Charlie Puth演唱的高清音质无损Cheating on Yoump3在线听,听Cheating on You,只来酷狗音乐!
1. I can't believe he was cheating on you, he seemed so devoted. 我不敢相信他会欺骗你,他看起来非常忠诚。 2. She found out that her husband had been cheating on her for months. 她发现自己的丈夫已经欺骗她好几个月了。 3. I'm sorry to say I think he's cheating on you with that...
来自@belieberdrew 点的音乐《cheating on you 》已经发布啦,欢迎收听! 想听哪首歌,宝子们尽管提哦!!求一个三连!!谢谢发现《Cheating on You》 演奏挑战赛 贾斯汀比伯 音乐 听歌 翻唱 完整版 AI cheating on you Justin Bieber Charlie Puth 演奏挑战赛12期...
“很早之前我就在ins上创作了这个beat,然后等我把那个视频发出去之后,我就开始写歌词,最终那段beat就成了你们现在听的Cheating On You。”这首歌与猹之前的流行音乐曲风截然不同,加入的Trap流行嘻哈元素,沉重的808鼓,给整首歌带来一种迷幻、冷酷的氛围,绝对是一首值得单循的好歌! 52回复 anna 2020年5月6日 ...
Baby now ooh cheating on you宝贝 此刻感觉好像背叛了你 Baby now ooh宝贝 此刻感觉 But when I touch her I feel like I'm cheating on you但当我触碰旁人时 我感觉好像对你不忠 Thought I could get you back any time of day本以为我可以随时让你回到我身边 Shouldn't have been so cocky不该...