Hello Expects My husband was cheating on me since time i was 8 months pregnant now my son is 1 n half yrs old I caught him red handed n confronted him n he agre
But do women who work on their marriage rather than separation, do they just accept what he says and blindly trust again when he has obviously broken my trust so badly... Its all still quite new and raw so only a few weeks or so from finding it all out... Its...
Zion Felix has given a clear understanding on why he has been fingered in a lot of s*xual scandals recently. The blogger had a lot of accusations leveled against him after a video of him performing a customary marriage with another woman popped up. Zion Felix has achieved great success for...
Ricki Lake recently invited me to appear on her show as an expert marriage and family therapist to advise a couple who were struggling through a similar situation. The couple had been married for eleven years with three children. Gary, the husband, was spending a lot of time on Facebook, ...
Aldridge, Gemma
But there’s only one problem: He’s still “friends” with her on Facebook. Can this marriage be saved? What should the wife do? Find out by watching a clip from the show, where I give the couple my advice on the FIRST thing the husband needs to do in order to get their marriag...
I never stepped out of my marriage. I was a bigger man than that. Okay I had met Beatrice on yahoo six months before I moved out, but Bea had the 6 month thing going on. She refused to meet anyone until she had known them for 6 months, so was that really cheating? Maybe, but ...
This will give your husband the opportunity to come clean. Now the two of you can begin the healing process to strengthen your relationship. If the marriage cannot be saved, the proof that CatchMyHusband.com provides will be invaluable when negotiating a financial settlement and child custody. ...
you on theradioand I thought you may have some answers forme since I had just caught my wife cheating. I was wondering why this was happeningso I ordered your book. I received your book the other day and read it cover to cover. I was amazed. It seemed tobe written aboutmy marriage....
The model and her new boyfriend made the launch of her new cookbook, 'Nourish,' their first public outing as a couple.