An experimentwas conducted near Manhattan, KS on a Reading silt loam soil with 2.5% organic matter and a pH of 6.0to evaluate several herbicide treatments for cheatgrass control in "2137" hard red winter wheat seededwith a double disk drill on October 1, 2002. Preemergence treatments were ...
weed controlsuppressionfuels managementInvasion of alien plant species influences many phases of wildland research in the Great Basin.1 The accidental introduction and subsequent invasion of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) onto millions of hectares of Great Basin rangelands has led to theconversion of ...
Long-term control of the invasive annual grass cheatgrass is predicated on its biological suppression. Perennial grasses vary in their suppressive ability. We compared the ability of a non-native grass ("Hycrest" crested wheatgrass) and two native grasses (Snake River wheatgrass and bluebunch ...