PATINDEX ( '%pattern%' , expression ) QUOTENAME:返回带有分隔符的 Unicode 字符串,分隔符的加入可使输入的字符串成为有效的 Microsoft SQL Server 分隔标识符。 QUOTENAME ( 'character_string' [ , 'quote_character' ] ) ' character_string ' Unicode 字符数据构成的字符串。character_string 是 sysname ...
Below is a cheat sheet that can be used for configuring SQL Server audit policies to log and detect potentially malicious behavior. It also includes some TSQL cheats for viewing the current audit policies so they can be avoided during red team and penetration test engagements. SQL Server Detectiv...
SQL Cheat Sheets SQL Server Cheat SheetbyDaveChild A cheat sheet for Microsoft SQL Server. SQL Server Data Types Exact Numerics bit decimal tinyint money smallint numeric bigint Approximate Numerics float real Date and Time smalldatetime ...
A Microsoft SQL Server DMV/DMF Cheat-Sheet 文章 24/05/2012 在此文章 SQL Server DMV/DMFs that every DBA should know Using DMV/DMFs I am asked this question by Microsoft SQL Server customers again and again: “What dynamic management views (DMV) or dynamic management functions (DMF) ...
With this weeks release of the SQL Server Driver for PHP 2.0 CTP 1 (which includes a PDO driver for SQL Server), I need to get up to speed quickly. And, the truth is, I’m fairly inexperienced with PDO, so a cheat sheet is helping me learn the API. Besides, there are some...
A.C.E.: Assessment Consulting & Engineering Services Performance is paramount: Asking users to wait is like asking them to leave. Disk Partition Alignment (Sector Alignment) for SQL Server - Part 4 - Essentials (Cheat Shee...
SQL Server Backup to URL – a cheat sheet Dimitri_Furman MicrosoftFeb 15, 2019 Reviewed by: Rajesh Setlem, Xiaochen Wu Historically, SQL Server supported two backup destinations, disk and tape. In SQL Server 2012, a new destination named URL was added. With this destinati...Sh...
在sql 中,我们 and 的运算优先级大于 or 的元算优先级。因此可以看到 第一个条件(用 a 表示)是真的,第二个条件(用 b 表示)是假的,a and b = false, 第一个条件和第二个条件执行 and 后是假,再与第三个条件 or 运算,因为第三个条件 1=1 是恒成立的,所以结果自然就为真了。因此上述的语句就是...
MySQL cheat sheet source:MySQL Cheat Sheet Accessmysql server mysql -u [username] -p; mysql -u [username] -p [database] mysqldump -u [username] -p [database] > data_backup.sql; show grants Working with database CREATE DATABASE [IF NOT EXISTS]database_name;...
PowerUpSQL: A PowerShell Toolkit for Attacking SQL Server - PowerUpSQL Cheat Sheet · NetSPI/PowerUpSQL Wiki