Download Python Scikit-Learn cheat sheet for free. Learn Python data loading, train testing data, data preparation, know how to choose the right model, prediction, model tuning, evaluating performance and more.
Scikit-learn是一个开源Python库,使用统一的界面实现一系列机器学习,预处理,交叉验证和可视化算法。 一个基本的例子 >>>from sklearn import neighbors,datasets,preprocessing>>>from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split>>>from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score>>>iris=datasets.load_iris()>>>...
2. numpy cheat sheet NumPy is the library that gives Python its ability to work with data at speed. Originally, launched in 1995 as 'Numeric,' NumPy is the foundation on which many important Python data science libraries are built, including Pandas, SciPy and scikit-learn. It's common when...
scikit-learn: Choosing the right estimator 下个zeal 软件,把上面三个库官方文档都下载下来,然后对照着cheat sheet一个个api过一遍。 后记 (一)(二)(三)篇看完后,基本上就能出师参加竞赛、成为光荣的调包党一员了。 最后,是我的刚建立的微信订阅号 ,文章会同时发送到订阅号上,欢迎关注,搜索 键盘数据侠或者...
1. scikit-learn cheat sheet 官方链接如下: Often the hardest part of solving a machine learning problem can be finding the right estimator for the job. Different estimators are better suited for different types of data and different pro...
Scikit-Learn cheat sheet (Scikit-Learn 使用速查) 转自: 右击在新标签页中打开图片链接查看。 分类: python 标签: 速查系列 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信分享 机器狗mo 粉丝- 22 关注- 7 +加关注 ...
scikit-learn algorithm cheat sheet【汉化版】 英文原版链接: 看得有点累,做了个汉化版 汉化版: (有很多名词合理地强行翻译了一下,否则全英文的词汇太多,不通顺的时候,请看看下面的原版)...
Intel® Extension for Scikit-learn* Cheat SheetKevin Ta Rachel Oberman Preethi Venkatesh Get started with Intel® Extension for Scikit-learn* using the following commands. For more information, see Intel Extension for Scikit-learn. Basic Installation Using PyPI* pip install scikit-learn-...
这是一份 scikit-learn 速查表,它提供用于数据预处理、回归分析、分类、聚类、降维、模型选择等操作的函数。它的特别之处是描绘了一个完整的机器学习流程。 文本数据的清洗是个繁琐的过程,掌握正确的操作技巧是最终得到理想的结果的关键。按照这份速查表来一步一步进行文本数据清洗,你会知道什么时候改去除停用词(St...
KDnuggets has put together just the thing you need. This cheat sheet covers the basics of what is needed to learn how to use Scikit-learn for machine learning, and provides a reference for moving ahead with your machine learning projects. Much of the most common functionality that you will ...