这份Cheat Sheet将带你探索R语言的深度与广度,助你成为编程高手!🚀1️⃣ 环境与作用域:深入了解R中的环境类型,如Global、Base和Execution,掌握函数调用的逻辑和作用域的奥秘。2️⃣ 对象与数据结构:探索S3、S4和RC这三种面向对象系统的核心概念,比较它们的用法和适用场景,让你的数据操作更加灵活。3️⃣...
getwd() 查找当前工作路径。 setwd('C:// file // path') 更改当前工作路径,使用RStudio中的项目设置工作目录到您正在使用的文件夹。 注意,“/”在R中有特定的用途,这里路径用“//”或者“\”。 四、向量 1、创建向量 2、向量函数 sort(x) 对x进行排序。 rev(x...
You can get the diff of a Pull Request by adding a .diff or .patch extension to the end of the URL. For example: https://github.com/tiimgreen/github-cheat-sheet/pull/15 https://github.com/tiimgreen/github-cheat-sheet/pull/15.diff https://github.com/tiimgreen/github-cheat-sheet/...
When using the stealth mode ofcht.sh, the only thing you need to do in order to see a cheat sheet for some question, is to select the question using the mouse. If you don't want any text in the answers and the only thing you need is code, use theQoption when starting the stealt...
Controls cheat sheet for tabletop simulator. Getting Started Load Tabletop Simulator from Steam. You will be greeted by a screen that says "Join" or "Create". Select "Join". The "Server Browser" may take a moment to load as there are often many ga...
R Basics Cheat Sheet by bwaldoR Objects and Attributes Vectors The c() function can be used to create vectors of objects x <- c(0.5, 0.6) ## numeric x <- c(TRUE, FALSE) ## logical x <- c(T, F) ## logical x <- c("a","b","c") ## character x <-...
Cheat Sheet The only guide you'll ever need 1080000000kmph 13 Oct 23 php, development, rewrite, apache, html and 8 more ...About Cheatography Cheatography is a collection of 6616 cheat sheets and quick references in 25 languages for everything from travel to history!
Cheat sheet CopyCutPaste Search Editing Welcome to Cribr! Cribr is a powerful text processor adapted for the fast and comfortable creation ofcheat sheets. Real-time preview, text compressor, Office based interface, custom zoom... are just some of its features. But best of all, it is comple...
Base JavaScript Cheat Sheet A cheat sheet about the base of the programming language JS Todin 26 Jan 23 programming, javascript, js, base 2 Pages (0) Base R Cheat Sheet A cheat sheet about R programming language Todin 25 Jan 23 programming, r, base 1 Page (0) DRAFT: Acids, Bases an...
R 进阶cheat sheet 一、数据框切片 去掉数据框具体某一列 一阶:切片,不要那个就负号去除,例如df[,c(-1,-3,-5)]。显然如果数据框比较大,又是中间的项,就比较难数到具体数字。而且只有函数才真正利于循环等场景 二阶:dplyr::select()本质也是切片,但是可以用负号+列名指示。