mongosh--version Start the Mongo Shell mongosh"YOUR_CONNECTION_STRING"--usernameYOUR_USER_NAME Show Current Database db Show All Databases showdbs Create Or Switch Database useblog Drop Database db.dropDatabase() Create Collection db.createCollection('posts') Show Collections showcollections Insert...
Download the MongoDB cheat sheet to learn basic commands for MongoDB, a NoSQL, document-centric database that makes it easy to build scalable web applications.
forEach((eventType) => { process.on(eventType, cleanUp) }) Drop Database const conn = mongoose.createConnection('mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb'); // Deletes the entire 'mydb' database await conn.dropDatabase(); readyState Check if connection is still valid const conn = mongoose....
Cheat sheet for x86-64 Linux systems programming cheat-sheetsunixx86-64cheatsheetcheatsheetssystems-programmingcheat-sheet UpdatedJul 2, 2021 TeX Load more… Improve this page Add a description, image, and links to thecheat-sheetstopic page so that developers can more easily learn about it. ...
著名开发社区Dzone,则专门开设了Refcardz栏目,专门发布各种应用广泛和热门的技术的参考卡 "refcard",也就是cheat sheet。目前,发布的 refcard已经有270多份,并不断增长中。 这些refcard都编排为精美的双列PDF,由微软、甲骨文、谷歌等大厂研发专家甚至该技术的发明者和贡献者,根据其深刻的认知和丰富的经验,精心归纳和...
version_control/gitGITops/terragruntTerragruntkotlin/kotlinKotlincontainer/docker-swarmDocker Swarmlinux/qutebrowserQutebrowsercontainer/helmHelmcontainer/kubectlkubectllinux/wgetgreplinux/curlcURLlinux/ufwufwlinux/opensslOpenSSLjava/gradleGradlelinux/vimVimdatabase/mongodbMongoDBdatabase/postgresqlPostgreSQLcontainer/dock...
JSON.SET "staff:1" "$" '{"name":"Bob","age":22,"isSingle":true,"skills":["NodeJS","MongoDB","React"]}' JSON.SET "staff:2" "$" '{"name":"Alex","age":45,"isSingle":true,"skills":["Python","MySQL","Angular"]}' FT.SEARCH staff:index "(@name:'alex')" RETURN 1 ...
Unauthenticated MongoDB – Attack and Defense SNMP ‘GETBULK’ Denial of Service Responder / MultiRelay Pentesting Cheatsheet NTP Mode 6 Vulnerabilities Cisco Information Disclosure (CVE-2014-3398 – CSCuq65542) SSH Tunneling for Pentesters .NET Handler Enumeration TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV Not Supp...
The application uses entirely open source software including Linux, Java, Apache, and MongoDB which creates a web front end, an order service, and an integration service.You can start with this HOL to learn some DevOps Concepts with Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS), Open Source Technology ...
Default Credentials Cheat Sheet One place for all the default credentials to assist the pentesters during an engagement, this document has a several products default credentials that are gathered from several sources. P.S : Most of the credentials are extracted from the changeme,routersploit and Secl...