最近用pcsx2-1.4.0模拟器玩战神2。并且用Cheat Engine简单修改游戏。现在将基本情况介绍下。电脑老机了,勉强运行。---[ 系统摘要 ]---计算机:计算机类型 基于 ACPI x64 的电脑操作系统 Windows 10 Enterprise ProfessionalDirectX DirectX 12.0日期/时间 2016-08-16 / 20:53主板:处理器名称 QuadCore Intel ...
for pcsx2 1.7.0+ Hey man can you update these cheats? I don't know why but only Gold cheat is working. The rest of the cheats don't work, like speed move 2x , I can't change any of them. They always stay in the same option, even after selecting another one. Top anl93 ...
终于在电脑上,用PCsx2模拟器配合着作弊工具cheat engine(CE),玩通了《波斯王子:时之沙》,结了这个10多年的遗憾。游戏类似于古墓丽影(当然,古墓丽影理论上来说是3D话了的波斯王子DOS版升级)但有没有古墓丽影那样让人眩晕的视角(年轻时候玩古墓丽影1代不晕,岁数大了再玩古墓丽影1代竟然晕的要吐)。但是波斯王子...
for pcsx2 1.7.0+ Hey man can you update these cheats? I don't know why but only Gold cheat is working. The rest of the cheats don't work, like speed move 2x , I can't change any of them. They always stay in the same option, even after selecting another one. Top anl93 ...
. I need a cheatengine that can also be used with PCSX2.0.Owner cheat-engine commented Nov 19, 2024 make sure mem_mapped is checked in settings->scan settings👍 1 Author kpldgba8289 commented Nov 20, 2024 oh. thx for help.
Boot the game in the necessary emulator (DEmul, PCSX2, Kawaks, etc.). Open the CheatEngine table (.CT file) for the respective game (after the match has loaded for best results). Click "yes" when it asks to run the Lua file. ...
Pcsx2 Cheat converter is designed to change raw codes into pscx2 format. Game Booster 2 2.0 Download 38IObit92Freeware An excellent system performance optimizer to boost up your gaming experience. CheMax 21.4 Download 196CheMax Team12,470Freeware ...
3D Engine Anarch Cave Story (doukutsu-rs) Cave Story (NXEngine) Cannonball ChaiLove CHIP-8 Emulation XO-CHIP/CHIP-8 (JAXE) CHIP-8 (Emux) Dinothawr Doom (PrBoom) Doom 3 (Boom3) Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup Flashback (REminiscence)
vx4s 下载之后打开压缩包找到一个叫cheatengine-i386.exe的文件打开它选择语言的时候选第2个 244 psvita破解吧 Elenyo_K vitacheat_v360.z04Beta安装方法-个人留档用下载链接: /s/11Vi7OjgZqHmei2gV8zhgcQ 密码: g9mn 自己加https://pan.baidu.com 注意,注意,注意,我这里只能说明这是3.60,固化11版本,带...