If you have time-of-use rates with your current rate plan, the credits you get for sending excess solar electricity back to the grid will depend on the time of day. If your solar panels produce lots of electricity at peak hours, you’ll receive credits at the peak hour rate, which ...
I grew up believing in the conventional wisdom that the cheapest way to own a car is to “buy used and drive it until the wheels fall off.” But as I started digging into this topic a lot more in preparation for replacing both our cars (they went bad at the same time), I found t...
Is it possible to make them produce electricity all of the time? Scientists at Suzhou University, China, have invented a new solar panel now. It can produce electricity not only from solar energy but also from falling rain. When a raindrop fells on the solar panel and t...
Vietnam has some of the lowest costs of living on earth, yet the lifestyle can be as comfortable as it would be living in any developed country. If you’re coming here for the first time from the U.S., the prices in Vietnam will be a shock—in a good way. ...
However,solar panels also have their problems.They stop working at night and on rainy days.Is it possible to make them produce electricity all of the time? Scientists at Suzhou University,China,have invented a new solar panel now.It can produce electricity not only from so...
Some might argue that the price increase in 2022 in Figure 2 was because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and reduced natural gas supply to Europe as a result. That is true but it’s also the way that energy markets work. Higher marginal costs along the energy supply chain increase pric...
(seriously, how were they to know), film manufacturers pretty much got rid of all the systems and equipment needed to produce film on a large scale. It was supposed to be a dying format on the way out. Whole factories were transformed and re-directed for other more useful, profitable ...
to electricity means having a light or two at night and being able to charge your phone – which is also your bank account – at home rather than having to walk, often to the next village, to get it charged. Here, the story is not of future MWs, but of access to electricity....
If you have time-of-use rates with your current rate plan, the credits you get for sending excess solar electricity back to the grid will depend on the time of day. If your solar panels produce lots of electricity at peak hours, you’ll receive credits at the peak hour rate...