Please note that whatever phone you do decide to use, it must be Sprint compatible. 10.Page Plus $29.95 Plan Monthly Cost:$29.95 The $29.95 Plan from Page Plus is a great plan for those that want a mix of data and calling features. With this prepaid phone plan, you get: 1500 minutes...
They run off of Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile, depending on phone and location. So that “reliability” that the big 4 touts in their ad campaigns is really just an MVNO away. MVNO’s Fulfill Most Needs & Most Wants (Very Cheaply) Here’s what I want in a mobile phone plan:...
Virgin Mobile is a Sprint MVNO which means your coverage is coming from Sprint towers. Compared to a regular Sprint plan, paying $200 + $30 a month can save youmore than $500 dollarsover a 2-year contract when compared with paying even $0 for the phone and $60+ a month for service....
the best thing going right now is the framily plan with sprint – after the 7th person signs the rate is $25/mo unlimited talk & text with 1 gb of data… can buy more monthly data at $10 increments Reply gary You can go on Craigslist and find people looking for others to sign on ...