Liability Pays for medical expenses or repairs if you are held responsible for damages or injuries to someone else. Additional living expenses Pays for accomodations, meals and other expenses if you are forced to temporarily relocate. Also known as "loss of use" coverage. Renters insurance doesn...
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Full coverage is usually the smart choice, but if your car is worth less than 10 times your premium, you might be better off with just liability-only insurance. Step 4: Look for discounts Most insurance companies have discounts for good students, safe driving and for bundling auto insurance ...
Coverage for small business inventories or assets stored at the rental property Additional liability coverage Higher limits for additional living expenses. These policy add-ons increase your premiums, but the increase may be somewhat offset if you qualify for a discount by buying more than one type...
suits you best. It is helpful to speak with a specialist life insurance broker so the advisers can understand your health and guide you to the best life insurance company. You will find information about how to do this in our article, “Best life insurance with pre-existing medical ...
Insurance companies will reward you for more business by bundling your home and auto policies. What to do next: Contact your insurance provider or broker to let them know that you’re interest in bundling your home, tenant, or condo policies. Be sure to go over the coverage levels provided...
Unfortunately, I was unavailable to take their calls; however, they provided their phone number and business hours, from Monday to Saturday. On Saturday, I contacted them at 10 am, and they promptly connected me with Maria, a broker from Scoop Insurance, who was extremely courteous and ...
Another broker said recent client conversations had revealed a "troubling trend" of children coercing their parents for their own financial needs. "In one instance, a son arranged for his parent to consult an adviser to initiate the process. Fortunately, after obtaining independent advice, the p...
re local (located between Dayton and Cincinnati) and have provided expert advice and personalized service for more than 40 years. We help drivers that are not currently covered, and any person that already has an active policy. Full coverage, liability only, and group business options are ...
What blogs or websites address startups that allow multiple investors to fund small amounts? I have about 5 lakhs set aside. I am looking for crowdfunding, but with Which book should I start with, to learn about the stock market? What is the legal liability (if any) of writers on ...