Your student loan might not be enough to cover the full cost of accommodation and it has to be paid up-front. This makes looking for affordable places to live a priority. While you know your annual tuition fee will be a maximum of £9,250, accommodation can vary depending on the ...
BlaBlaCaris a carpool service that matches up drivers/passengers who are going to the same places. You’re essentially pitching in for gas/other expenses in exchange for a seat in someone’s car. I know it sounds slightly sketch, but it operates on a good review system much like Couchsurfi...
Someone at EA Sports is absolutely convinced that Scotland’s next generation are going to go on to become absolute world beaters. While we’ve got a few years to go to find that out for real (spoiler alert: they’re probably not), you can find out right now in EA FC 24 by buying ...
Want to find the cheapest cities for students in the UK? You can choose to save money at university depending on where you live. Read our league table to compare the different rent prices and discover student reviews of over 70 UK cities. Find out more Cheapest Cities in Scotland for Stu...
A blog dedicated to reviewing books, since they are "the cheapest vacation you can buy," as Charlaine Harris once said.
the same cities struggling with overtourism. My advice would be to pick one of the other thousand cool places you could go to in Europe, but if you insist on following the biggest crowds and their packed tour buses and cruise ships, here’s where you’ll have to open your wallet aga...