Sleep cheaply in Rome by camping, renting a chalet, or booking a hostel or convent room. Photo: While our mission is focused on finding you the best budget hotels in Rome, we know that sometimes, you need to stretch your euros even further. Maybe that means crashing at a ho...
Indonesia is undoubtedly one of the cheapest travel destinations in the world, with its wide range of attractions making it an excellent choice for budget travellers. From stunning beaches to lush jungles and vibrant culture, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this beautiful country. You ...
and we had more than our fair share of cheap sushi. Thanks to affordable flight connections within Europe, a weekend in Belgrade is less expensive than just one day in common tourist staples like Paris or London.
Hostel Prices:€20-€40/night (see hostels onHostelworld) BudgetHotel and Rental Apartment Prices:€75-€200/night (see Beer Prices (Pint of Local Beer):Around €5.00-€7.00 Average/Good Meal Prices:€12.00-€20.00 Best Hostels in Dublin Daily Costs to Visit Dublin Best Thi...
"And this is the slaughterhouse," explained the amiable woman from the reception desk as she invited me into the vast, malodorous cavern that serves as the luggage store for the summer youth hostel in Boston.The Independent (London, England)...
When the bill finally came, we thought there was a mistake, or we were misreading it in our double vision. That night we paid under $30 for that bill and we still don’t know how it was that affordable. The great deals continued as we travelled around Bulgaria, with lovely hostel roo...