Child proof your house especially if you have little ones! Do you have a tot who is just beginning to explore the world? Here are some great child safety tip ideas on ways to childproof your home – against the toddler who loves to explore EVERYTHING! These simple baby proofing hacks are...
Use fire for the most basic and cheapest form of heat. If you do any woodworking, you will find a fire to be a good use of scrap materials. A drum stove can provide enough heat for an average sized home shed. You can build one on your own using a 55-gallon drum or even an old...
Very low. With some searching he was able to find a blanket, cooking utensils, rope, knife, tarp, and several other camp necessities for just $25. A good campfire is a necessity of course, and [Kelly]’s full of great ways to start a fire even if all you have is a lighter with...
Now that you’ve optimized your home for energy efficiency and you’ve cozied up to the idea of snuggling into warmer clothing and blankets, here are some ways to heat your home inexpensively. 26. Let the sunlight in. Open your curtains, shades or blinds during the day to let sunlight ...
Blinds help maintain food quality in the kitchen not only by preventing sunlight but also in many other ways. Prevents Direct Sunlight from Spoiling Food Sunlight speeds up food spoilage due to its effects on temperature, moisture levels, and chemical reactions. Heat exposure accelerates enzymatic...
7 Empowering Ways Christian Necklaces for Women Ignite Faith and Fashion In a world where expressing faith can sometimes feel challenging, how can Christian women showcase their beliefs while staying true to their personal style? This article explores the transformative power… Continue reading admin...
These were each wildly different and incredibly rewarding ways to stay somewhere for a while and live a slice of local life. Oh yeah, and I got free accommodation too! Here are a few resources for you to find your own work-trade volunteer deals. Many carry an annual fee, but most are...
The multitude of shed heater options is overwhelming. Not only are there different fuel types, but there are also different heat delivery methods. Let’s take a look at their types of fuel, as well as the ways they are delivered.
On the one hand, you love those golden rays of summer sunshine! They brighten your home and spirits, rousing your energy and enthusiasm. Still, without buffers in place, that vibrant sunlight generates stifling indoor heat. Thankfully, using window treat
Some countries have strict quarantine laws. Consider where you’re headed to and whether or not it’s permissible to fly with unpackaged foods. More Ways To Wander Cedar City Vacations Save more by combining flights, hotels and cars