Body Style:Sedan Year:2004 Mileage:240,000 Transmission:Automatic Engine:N/A Drivetrain:FWD - Front Wheel Drive Color:Gold Condition:Fair VIN:Ask Seller Sedan Listed By:Owner Stock:RFE9653 Category:Sedans Owner Notes Good car for only $500. It was in fender bender so needs to be fixed and...
Category:Luxury Suvs Under $2000 Owner Notes Great car, runs great and dependable, has new tires, great heat and air conditioning. If you are looking for an affordable used car priced around $1000 dollars and for sale by owner near Dayton OH, then contact John at 937 878 5287 to check...
However, the infrastructure for supplying a hydrocarbon fuel and for controlling its heat input to a power generating system is not free. Providing fire protection when you have a large source of combustible material is also not free. Most importantly to me, natural gas is not an optio...