The Nikon D850 with Godox V1 is $2,796.95, and the new Nikon Z50 with two lenses is just $1,196.95. Sony’s A7 II is $898, the A7R II with a lens is $1,498, and the A7 III with a huge accessory kit is $1,798. The Godox/Flashpoint V1 can also still be yours for $...
Ricoh GR IIISony a7CSony FE 35mm F1.8Samyang AF 18mm F2.8 FETamron 70-180mm F2.8 Di III VXD+4 more ReplyReply with quoteReply to threadComplain lattesweden•Veteran Member• Posts: 5,992 Re: Edit photos on the go, eg mobile, on the cheap ...