Use Petty to find nearby petrol, view prices at a station, keep up with average prices and price trends for the last 90-days, and compare prices between stations. You can also see how much you'll save by filling up at one station compared to another. ...
Another transport related tip is to use PetrolSpy when on the road, this site shows you all of the fuel stations near you along with the cost so you can always make sure you're getting the best possible price for your money. Buses are the most common form of public transport used in ...
Petty helped me find the perennially cheap spots for petrol and it saves me time when the prices are pretty similar so it’s not worth driving the extra 5km. With the addition of a car play app, you don’t even have to touch your phone to find the cheapest dinosaur juice near you....
Another transport related tip is to use PetrolSpy when on the road, this site shows you all of the fuel stations near you along with the cost so you can always make sure you're getting the best possible price for your money. Buses are the most common form of public transport used in ...