High Quality Anesthesia Machine With 2 Vaporizers THR-MJ-6100A Application The Anesthesia Machine makes a good performance in Intensive Care Units (ICU), Operation Room, Anesthesiology Department and other departments. From high to low acuity, simple to complex case...
Building a good cheap PC build for gaming on a budget of around $550 is definitely not impossible. This budget gaming pc build is packing an AMD R5 2600, an 8GB RX 580, 8GB of RAM and 480GB of SSD storage. Now, that’s a solid, yet inexpensive gaming PC! Easily on par with the...
Extremely good is fan controller for all 6 fans (case comes with 4 actually) As all modern cases it focuses on SSDs, so only 2 places for 3.5" HDDs Yet it has high clearance for cooler. Normal range is 150-160mm, here it is 175mm, good for large Noctua and similar coolers. Very ...
The best cheap PC case Zalman S2 A great value and good for cooling The Zalman S2 is an affordable mid-tower PC case, but don't let that fool you into thinking it's not worth your time. This sleek-looking chassis has plenty of premium features usually found in more expensive cases. ...
3E-ATX cases are pretty much a necessity How else would you house these weirdly shaped mobos? While this statement may not apply to selectmini-ITXX79 motherboards, you’ll need a spacious PC cabinet to accommodate clunky X99 boards. For those with dual-CPU and multi-GPU setups, your hea...
In all cases, you get a cabin (and free passage) in trade for your assistance. If you don’t have any sailing experience, no worries – I didn’t. (In fact, I got my feet wet (holy moly, I’m on fire) starting with something of a fear of the great blue). It will take a ...
Is it possible to damage the cpu by accidentally pushing a bit on the cooler while installing. Also does the tightness of the cooler matter as I have no idea if I tightened it too much or too little. Temps are good and the pc is just as smooth as before. Read more ...
As we are aiming for simple, size is not important so our cheap 4K HTPC will be built using the mini-ITX form factor. One of the best looking cases for mini-ITX motherboards is theCooler Master Elite 110. This is a compact cube style case with just enough space for HTPC components. ...
Pulled it back away from the wall a bit, better airflow, no problems. Ever heard about “Freezers” needing hot house conditions to freeze? Basically to get a good “Star Rating” the range of ambient tempratures a fridge-freezer will work in goes down… ...
Along with the added functionality, the Series 7 also offers really good flavor, pass-thru charging technology, great vapor production, and a really solid price considering all of the tech and features that it’s bringing to the table.