Campfire Bread on a Stick ~ Vegan on Board How awesome is this camping trick of cooking bread on a stick?? I love it! Vegan on Board shares their recipe for an easy bread dough, perfect for wrapping around a roasting stick and cooking over the campfire. Bring along some butter spread...
It’s okay that he became a vegan overnight, it’s okay that additionally, sugar and things like bread, rice and pasta are not allowed, but in this version of vegan there is a whole ‘nother complication:you can’t mix food grown under the earth in the same meal as food grown on ...
I love me some camp stove scrambled eggs, but it is not hard to step up the game a bit and make something fancier and more satisfying, even in the minimalist camp kitchen. The following recipe makes for rocking outdoor breakfast/brunch eggs: a cross between an omelette and a tortilla. ...