You should also spend time scoping out the competition by viewing listings and photos of similar homes for sale and attending open houses in your neighborhood. Once prospective buyers are inside your home, you want to make sure the entire house puts its best foot forward. That starts with clea...
The premise is simple: We post cheap old houses. Most of the houses they post are under $100k but my personal favorite are the ultra-cheap $25k and less houses.
Paul, to a prefab cabin on the Wisconsin prairie, these houses, in which anyone would feel at home, display a wonderful mix of design smarts and budget savvy. " Good House Cheap House is chock full of great ideas and creative solutions for those of us on a budget-but e...
A lot of them are in the game of flipping houses, too. The market's been hot the past few years, so if you ask around you'll likely find you know of someone who has tried their hand at flipping a house. SEE ALSO: Mother's Day gift ideas for moms who just want a nap and a ...
For names that reflect one's faith, explore these Biblical names from the Old Testament for boys and girls and their significance. There are also timeless Southern baby names that we will always treasure. Vintage names are making a comeback too—drawn from everything from literary works and ...