We cover all the bases; custody, visitation, child support, property, debt, retirement, assets, and any other area which may be important to the parties. We have been in business almost eight years! Every year we save the State of Oklahoma millions of dollars in legal fees! These savings...
The number one consideration of every child custody case is the needs and comfort level of the children involved. If the children are of age and maturity to give their opinion, it will be duly considered. Divorce in Maryland Rules for child support in Maryland ...
If you provide the details concerning child custody and support, we will prepare the necessary forms as a part of your divorce kit at no extra cost. There are several child-related matters to consider for divorcing spouses: In Texas, the decisions concerning child custody and support are ...
Whether both of you will make important life decisions for your children. Which parent will receive child support, how much, and for how long. What visitation schedule would be convenient for both parents and kids. If kids will live with both parents or just one. ...
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In Georgia, uncontested divorces involving minor children usually take longer than those without children due to additional requirements for child custody, support, and the children’s welfare. The process begins with filing a divorce petition in the Superior Court of the county where either spouse ...
If you provide the necessary details in the questionnaire, we will complete the child-related forms for you at no extra cost. Before you proceed to the questionnaire, make sure you and your spouse have resolved all the disputes related to child custody and support: In NH, judges determine ...
With the help of a divorce law attorney, Michigan residents can negotiate a divorce settlement regarding marital estate and child-related issues. In total, average costs for Michigan divorce lawyers are $9,000 to $12,000, which is a substantial financial loss for most divorcing couples in the...
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We have helped thousands of people prepare their divorce documents for filing. If you and your spouse agree on the terms of the divorce and want an amicable dissolution to your marriage, why should the process get drawn out, and why should you spend money on lawyers? Online divorce is ...