Cheapbackpacker hostels in Londonare numerous and spread right across London, though major clusters of backpacker hostels are found in budget accommodation areas ofBayswater,KensingtonandLondon Bridge. Backpacker dormitory rates are highly seasonal. Biggest demand is in the summer months when students are...
Set your sights on budget-priced hostels, and you'll have plenty of spending money left over to enjoy the city.Often the cheapest lodging in London, Hostel 639 has shared dormitories with four to eight beds, along with double rooms and family rooms. All rooms have access to the hostel's...
Enjoy excellent hostels and student accommodation in London, minus the hefty rent. LHA London cater for students, interns & young professionals.
Stay in our cheap youth hostels in London, Amsterdam or Dublin, and explore these exciting European cities. Private rooms available. Book your stay now!
7. The YHA London in Westminster Hotels Hostels Fitzrovia price 1 of 4 Whatever you think you know about the Youth Hostels Association, forget it. This is YHA like you've never seen it before. Think stylised colour-block furniture, a sleek bar/pizza joint and foosball. The 100-odd beds ...
Cheap Hostels in Central LondonForbidden London Clubs
Hostels in Hanoi, Vietnam. Hostels in London, England. Hostels in Los Angeles, California. Hostels in Marrakech, Morocco. Hostels in Miami Beach, Florida. Hostels in New York City. Hostels in Paris, France. Hostels in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Hostels in San Francisco, California. Hostels in...
A secure London hotel reservation and booking service, which includes, tourist hotels, London airport hotels, bed and breakfast accommodation and budget hostels.
The Most Popular Hostels in London Let’s face it, London is expensive. It’s expensive to live in, and it’s expensive to visit – even if you’re only staying for a few days. But does that mean you shouldn’t go? Absolutely not. It just means you’ve got to be even smarter ...
Choose from youth hostels, bed and breakfast, hotels and apartments to other budget accommodation options like guesthouse and motels. Hostels247 offers a wide range of cheap accommodation worldwide fromLondon,Paris,Rome,Amsterdam,Barcelona,Lagos,New York Cityto mention but a few places in the world...