A pair of Tom Ford jeans will set you back around $1000 – which for some of you might seem like a ridiculous amount of money to spend on a single pair of pants. But hold up a second – is there anything to justify this higher price point? Surely for that price you must be gettin...
The Lightheart Gear Rain Pants are unique design, offering true 100% tent-fly-grade waterproofness, in exchange for literal 0% breathability, all at a great price. This works fine in cold to moderate temperatures, and never wets out. They’re ultralight and hyper affordable. Compared to your...
股下 (matashita) inseam (crotch to hem, for pants) 裾幅 (susohaba) hem width 総丈 (sōtake) total length Nice job, you've used these words to buy a frilly secondhand sundress for your big post-covid party in 2092. But whatever will you style it with? For all you jewelry-heads ou...