Your insurance company may have a network of auto body shops that it recommends if you need repairs. You can usually take your vehicle wherever you see fit. However, using a preferred shop could make the process more seamless. Depending on the type of repair and how it is funded, you cou...
Get free pass to West Palm Beach Spring Home Show Free food distributions & resources for residents in need $125 toilet rebate for eligible Broward residents Free DIY bike repair equipment in Weston Libraries loan laptops, toys & other gear for free ...
When work is complete, be sure to get a notarized statement that all sub-contractors have been paid in fullto avoid a contractors lien on your property. If you have an HVAC repair, allow heating/cooling units to be cleaned out and driedbefore determining what, if any repairs are actually ...
Your insurance company may have a network of auto body shops that it recommends if you need repairs. You can usually take your vehicle wherever you see fit. However, using a preferred shop could make the process more seamless. Depending on the type of repair and how it is funded, you cou...